• LOL portal
Oko 85% svjetskih web stranica koriste VeriSign certifikate kako bi svojim klijentima obezbijedili sigurnu razmjenu osjetljivih podataka.
Logosoft je jedini ovlašteni distributer Verisign SSL certifikata u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Više informacija...
LOL, u nizu svojih usluga, nudi i usluge profesionalnog web dizajna i izrade web stranica po željama klijenata. Sve ono za što biste morali angažovati ili obrazovati nekoliko ljudi, kod nas možete dobiti na jednom mjestu, za kratko vrijeme i sa garancijom kvaliteta te uz redovno održavanje.
Više informacija...
LOL, within a range of its services, offer professional web-designing and web-page creation in accordance with the client's wishes. There is no need to hire or to educate extra people, with us you can get everything you need at one place, in short time, with a quality guarantee and with regular maintenance.
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Početna stranica domene

Ovo je startna stranica koju je automatski generisao LOL ISP za domenu. Molimo Vas da postavite Vaš vlastiti index.html file.

Default website page

This is the automatically generated default web page for the domain. Please upload your custom index.html file.

Control Panel:

Stranice za testiranje /Test Pages/
Logosoft Web Hosting vam omogućava nekoliko test stranica koje možete koristiti za provjeru funkcionalnosti skriptovanja, testiranje spajanja na bazu i slanje e-mail poruka. Kliknite na pojedinu ikonu kako bi učitali stranice za odgovarajuće skripte.
Logosoft Web Hosting ships with several test pages for testing script versions, database connections, mail sending, etc. Click on the corresponding icon to load test pages for accompanying scripts.

ASP.NET Python PHP Perl

Instalacije Logosoft Root certifikata /Hosting Server Certificate Download/
Ukoliko Vam se prilikom posjete web control panelu Logosoft Web Hostinga pojavljuje sigurnosna greška "There is a problem with this website's security certificate." onda je potrebno da preuzmete validan Logosoft Root sigurnosni certifikat i instalirate ga na odgovarajuće mjesto na vašem računaru.

Procedura instalacije Logosoft Root certifikata

  • Preuzmite dokument "Logosoft Root Base Encoded.cer" i snimite ga na desktop.
  • Desnim klikom na dokument certifikata, odaberite opciju Install certificate, nakon čega će se pojaviti prozor Certificate Import Wizard.
  • Na početnom tekstu odaberite opciju Next.
  • Na slijedećem ekranu Certificate Store odaberite opciju Place all certificates in the following store. Kliknite na Browse....
  • U novootvorenom prozoru Select Certificate Store odaberite direktorij Trusted Root Certification Authorities, potom kliknite OK. Kada se prozor zatvori, kliknite na Next.
  • U zadnjem dijelu procedure provjerite postavke koje ste odabrali i kliknite na dugme Finish.
  • Otvorit će se novi prozor sa naslovom Security Warning gdje Vas operativni sistem obavještava da trenutno ne postoji odgovarajuća putanja do Logosoft Root certification Authority. Odaberite opciju Yes.
  • Pojavit će se poruka da je instalacija bila uspješna. Kliknite OK.
Should you encounter a security warning when loading the logosoft Web Hosting Control Panel web page with the headline "There is a problem with this website's security certificate.", then you probably do not have a valid Logosoft Root certificate installed on your computer.

In order to solve this problem, follow the steps below:

  • Download the certificate "Logosoft Root Base Encoded.cer" and save it to your desktop.
  • Right-click on the certificate file and choose the Install certificate option, after which a Certificate Import Wizard window will appear.
  • On the introductory text page, click Next.
  • At the Certificate Store window, choose the Place all certificates in the following store option, and click on Browse.
  • In the popup window titled Select Certificate Store, select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder and click OK. Once the popup window is closed, click Next.
  • Check your configuration for installing the certificate and click Finish.
  • A security warning will appear to notify you that there is currently no valid path to the Logosoft Root certification Authority. Ignore the warning and click Yes.
  • A successfull installation message will appear on screen to notify you that the procedure is complete. Click OK.
Podrška korisnicima
/User support/
Ukoliko imate pitanja molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate na:
/If you have any questions please contact us/
033 - 931- 931