Damir Dizdarevic is the CEO of the one of the largest IT companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina—Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo. He has a BSc in Mathematics and is a Microsoft Certified Solution Expert (MCSE) in several specialization areas; a M365 Enterprise Administrator Expert, MCSA in both Office 365 and Azure; and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) specialized for cloud, infrastructure, and identity solutions. In the 22+ years of his career in IT, Damir mostly worked as a systems designer, project lead, and a consultant. Damir regularly writes Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) courses and very often speaks at Microsoft conferences about identity and data protection, Office 365, Exchange, and related topics. He is the founder and president of a Bosnian community of Microsoft users, administrators, engineers, and developers (MSCommunity BiH). He consistently receives high grades as a speaker at Microsoft conferences in Europe and at non-Microsoft IT conferences.
So far, he has published more than 400 technical articles for various IT magazines and portals. In the last few years, he has actively authored MOC courses about identities in Azure and data protection in Microsoft 365. Damir has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) since 2007 and a Microsoft Regional Director since 2017.
Follow Damir’s tweets at @ddamirMVP.
eh vala svaka ti cast!!!
Evo bas sad radim ovaj Kurs (20341B – Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013) sa nekim amerikancima i sve uspjeva super. bas je opisano u zadnji detaijl i nemam nikakvi problema ako pratim korak po korak.
A najdraze mi je, kad sam procito da je cak neko nas ucestvo u tom svemu.
samo dalje…